The Revival Fellowship Youngies Logo

Hello and Welcome to The Revival Fellowship Youngies website.

Have a look around and explore our upcoming events, podcasts and other offerings. We welcome everyone to all events and look forward to seeing you.

Upcoming Events

Times shown are based in Adelaide, South Australia.

03may(may 3)12:00 pm05(may 5)12:00 pmNational Youngies Camp ~ Less is MoreRegistrations now open! Final day to register is 11th of April.

06jun(jun 6)12:00 pm09(jun 9)12:00 pmAdelaide Revival Fellowship Convention ~ Come & SeeRegistrations now open and close in June, 2025.

27jun(jun 27)12:00 pm30(jun 30)12:00 pmDarwin Youngies Camp ~ Wonders in the DeepRegistrations are now open and close on the 10th June.

30jun(jun 30)6:14 pm02jul(jul 2)6:14 pmNew Zealand Youngies Camp ~ I’ll Fly AwayRegistrations now open and close 4th of May

03may(may 3)12:00 pm05(may 5)12:00 pmNational Youngies Camp ~ Less is MoreRegistrations now open! Final day to register is 11th of April.

06jun(jun 6)12:00 pm09(jun 9)12:00 pmAdelaide Revival Fellowship Convention ~ Come & SeeRegistrations now open and close in June, 2025.

27jun(jun 27)12:00 pm30(jun 30)12:00 pmDarwin Youngies Camp ~ Wonders in the DeepRegistrations are now open and close on the 10th June.

30jun(jun 30)6:14 pm02jul(jul 2)6:14 pmNew Zealand Youngies Camp ~ I’ll Fly AwayRegistrations now open and close 4th of May

Want to see all the events? Click the button below and see the full calendar.

Interested in listening to talks, testimonies, or items from the Young People across Australia and New Zealand? click before to explore all available podcasts!

About The Revival Fellowship

We are a group of Spirit-Filled people who have had their lives changed through the power of God. We experience signs, wonders and miracles just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. We hold true to the Bible teachings and the foundation of our church can be found in the book of Acts where the outpouring of God’s Spirit began the true Pentecost movement.

If you’re interested in learning more. Explore our website below.